Room with content
Room with content consists of non-things.
Non-things have no function, no meaning, no value. They are only present in the world for any individual to look at. That’s the non-things sole reason for existence.

The project started as a study of the historical need to price and measure everything. My research led me to the term of non-things described by Louise Karlskov Skyggebjerg in “En historie om ikke-ting,” a story of everyday objects so insignificant and ordinary that we pay them little or no attention at all; they’re almost invisible. The concept is also used in terms of non-places, airports, and supermarkets as unfolded by Marc Augé in “Non-Places – An Introduction to Supermodernity.” And then there are non-events like waiting time, daily routines, and daydreaming [Billy Ehn and Orvar Löfgren, “The Secret World of Doing Nothing”].

The various objects in Room with content are my interpretations of useless, pointless, worthless things that still have an alleged raison d’être.
Materials: Porcelain slip, plaster, glaze, string, thread, fabric. Some of the objects are fired. Some are not.

Published in Glass & Ceramics