As a ceramist, I have always been interested in the magic of stories. Our urge to tell, share and listen to them is what sets us apart from other species – It is our emotional connection to each other and the world ever since we were living in caves.
I create and build up these magical universes that interrelate to our world as a way to discuss and reflect upon the contemporary psychological and social phenomenon. My ceramic objects first come alive when they meet and interact with their many narrators: the audience that is passing by, interrelate and engage with the art. My stories are made with no right or wrong answers because it is significant that the audience makes their own projections – invite them to ponder and go on an adventure in both their mind and body.
My hands are the most important tool to create and shape with. It gives me freedom and an intuitive approach to my works where all the objects – from small to big – create uniqueness and life.

EGO is storytelling about the psychological aspects of self-image in today’s western society. This exploration has become two works: Selvbillede (self-image) and Selvportræt (self-portrait).
In today’s society and culture, a lot of people are striving for the perfect or ideal life and self, but it is almost impossible to live up to.
This aspiration can give a twisted view on one’s own self-image where we are at risk of becoming both self-absorbed and insecure.
We are trying to create this certain image of ourselves and suffer under our own judgment that we are still not good enough compared to others. It is my wish that my works can create “a tool” to start an important conversation about this aspiration and the complex journey in understanding ourselves.
The work Selvbillede is a playful approach to reflect upon our appearance. We can often forget that a mirror reflection is a reversed version of ourselves and this mirror is an attempt to make a non-reversed mirror (an optical illusion mirror). By adding two mirrors at a 90-degree angle the mirror flips around and thereby you can see yourself as others see you. This “new” perspective can make one familiar face features seem different or even strange and therefore become a new way to discover another side of yourself.
The frame of the work is made with around 500 figures all made and painted with my hands one by one. The frame is a fairytale of sense explosion that through imagination, feelings, and thoughts tries to stimulate one inner self and connect to the outer self that is looking into the mirror. It is very eclectic with my different references of art genres and symbols that people can connect to in many different ways.

The work Selvportræt illustrates the naive way of looking at oneself. We both have a good and a bad side that we try to balance between. In my strives to achieve the perfect in an imperfect theme, the fate of the vase happened to fall unintended. The vase is now laid down as a statement of vulnerability and honest work from me to the viewer.

Published in Glass & Ceramics